How can we educate as many marketers as possible, worldwide, at no cost?

The story begins with Jay Schwedelson and Beth O’Malley. Beth had been following Jay’s work for years! When they finally connected, they knew they had to work together.

They both shared an exciting vision for the future of email marketing and the conversation turned to a powerful question from Jay: “How can we educate as many marketers as possible, worldwide, at no cost?”

And just like that, Certified GURU was born.

From the very beginning, they were committed to creating a practical, hands-on certification program designed to empower marketers of all levels.

To bring the project to life, they brought in Andrew Kordek, Email Marketing GURU, mentor, and trusted advisor to Beth, Program Director at Certified GURU.

Together, the trio combined their deep expertise to build a certification that would teach marketers what they need to know to succeed in email marketing – from the basics to more advanced strategies.

Our Course Creators Have Taught, Spoken, and been Recognized by: